Conversion of Partnership Firm into LLP
Convert your partnership firm into LLP at ₹ 10,500/- only
A Partnership Firm after the introduction of Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 can convert itself in Limited Liability Partnership The main reason is to obtain the advantages introduced under the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 like unlimited number of partners, Separate Legal Entity, Limited Liability and ease in transferring the ownership.
Registered as well an Unregistered Partnership Firm can be converted to Limited Liability Partnership but Limited Liability Partnership should have the same partners as were in the Partnership Firm.
Therefore, it is advisable to retire all the Partners who do not continue to be a part of LLP and if new partners are required to be added, they should be added after the incorporation of LLP.
Advantages of Conversion of Partnership firm to LLP

Limited Liability

Less Compliance Formalities

Separate Legal Entity

Lower Registration Cost
Minimum Requirement
Partners in partnership firm will become the partners in LLP with their consent
Minimum two Designated Partners
Income Tax Return should be up to date
At least one Designated Partner should be Indian Resident
All secured and unsecured creditors should provide their consent for the proposed conversion
Sharing Ratio in LLP = Capital Account Status in firm
Document Required For Incorporation
PAN Card
passport size photograph
Identity Proof
Business Address Proof ,Owned Property
Address Proof
Business Address Proof,Rented/leased:
Process of Conversion of Partnership firm to LLP
1. Complete the Application Form
Application for DSC
E-filing for incorporation of a Company
Document Processing
Name Availability
Get Certificate of Incorporation
More Insights on Conversion of Partnership Firm to LLP
- You can check Company name availability thereby logging into MCA where you need to keep in mind two or three available options along with the activity type. Our team will assist you in the selection of name of LLP.
- Also, along with checking the name availability we also need to check the trademark if already registered under the proposed name which makes the online application for registration more powerful. If you want to have a trademark of your word or logo you can get the same through Sprinthub Solutions by clicking on the below mentioned link Trademark Registration.
- If the proposed PARTNER is already having the DIN then you can also check whether DIR-3 KYC is completed. You can verify the same with the help of our experts. If the same is not done yet, it can be done with help of Sprinthub Solutions.
- The LLP is required to manage all the compliances after incorporation of the LLP like Income Tax Filing, Annual Returns with ROC and other compliances as required by the law. Sprinthub Solutions has a team of experts who keeps an eye on the due dates of your compliances and reminds you through mails.
- The LLP will further be liable for the following acts or deeds of the partnership firm :
- All the proceedings by or against the firm which are pending before any authority such as Courts, Tribunal etc.
- Every agreement, deeds, contracts, applications, instruments, schemes, bonds subsisting in the name of partnership firm immediately before conversion.
- The LLP shall ensure that not later than 14 days of incorporation for a period of 12 months, every official documents or correspondence shall bear the following :
- Statement of conversion
- Name and Registration no of firm, if applicable
- LLP is required to conduct audit in following cases:
- When the contribution of the Limited Liability Partnership exceeds Rs.25 Lakhs;
- When the annual turnover of the Limited Liability Partnership exceeds Rs.40 Lakhs.